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Guided Oscillations in Partially Ionised Solar Chromosphere Driven by a Spectrum of Waves
Brazilian Journal of Physics ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s13538-023-01410-w
A. Alharbi

Partial ionised solar plasma has received recently more attention as several processes in the solar atmosphere could not be explained by assuming a fully ionised state. In this study, we investigate the numerically temporal evolution of waves driven by a spectrum of waves in a thin magnetic stratified flux tube. The plasma dynamics is studied considering a two-fluid (charged particles and neutrals) framework, for a frequency regime that is comparable with the collisional frequencies between ions and neutral particles. The evolutionary equations for the two species have been derived analytically, and analytical solutions are obtained considering an initial value problem. Our results show that the charged population oscillates in such a way that an observer would sense a wave propagating with the frequency of the driver, and this signal is followed by a decaying wake that oscillates with the cutoff frequency. Thanks to collisions between ions and neutrals, the wave associated with the neutral species is very rapidly decaying.



