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Heterologous Production of Antimicrobial Peptides: Notes to Consider
The Protein Journal ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10930-023-10174-w
Masoumeh Kordi , Parnian Ghaedi Talkhounche , Helia Vahedi , Naser Farrokhi , Maryam Tabarzad


Heavy and irresponsible use of antibiotics in the last century has put selection pressure on the microbes to evolve even faster and develop more resilient strains. In the confrontation with such sometimes called “superbugs”, the search for new sources of biochemical antibiotics seems to have reached the limit. In the last two decades, bioactive antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), which are polypeptide chains with less than 100 amino acids, have attracted the attention of many in the control of microbial pathogens, more than the other types of antibiotics. AMPs are groups of components involved in the immune response of many living organisms, and have come to light as new frontiers in fighting with microbes. AMPs are generally produced in minute amounts within organisms; therefore, to address the market, they have to be either produced on a large scale through recombinant DNA technology or to be synthesized via chemical methods. Here, heterologous expression of AMPs within bacterial, fungal, yeast, plants, and insect cells, and points that need to be considered towards their industrialization will be reviewed.

Graphical Abstract

Sources of peptide production and their applications. Some AMPs directly extracted from natural sources, some of them are chemically synthesized either using liquid or solid phase peptides synthesis, and for large scale production, recombinant expression using heterologous expression systems have been used.




上个世纪抗生素的大量和不负责任的使用给微生物带来了选择压力,要求它们进化得更快,并发展出更有弹性的菌株。在与这种有时被称为“超级细菌”的对抗中,寻找生化抗生素新来源似乎已经达到了极限。在过去的二十年里,生物活性抗菌肽(AMP)是一种少于100个氨基酸的多肽链,在控制微生物病原体方面比其他类型的抗生素更吸引了许多人的关注。AMP 是参与许多生物体免疫反应的一组成分,并且已成为对抗微生物的新领域。AMP 通常在生物体内产生微量;因此,为了满足市场需求,它们要么通过重组DNA技术大规模生产,要么通过化学方法合成。本文将综述AMP在细菌、真菌、酵母、植物和昆虫细胞中的异源表达,以及其产业化需要考虑的要点。


肽的生产来源及其应用。一些 AMP 直接从天然来源中提取,其中一些是使用液相或固相肽合成进行化学合成的,并且为了大规模生产,已使用使用异源表达系统的重组表达。
