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A review of perception sensors, techniques, and hardware architectures for autonomous low-altitude UAVs in non-cooperative local obstacle avoidance
Robotics and Autonomous Systems ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2024.104629
Muhammad Zohaib Butt , Nazri Nasir , Rozeha Bt A. Rashid

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can detect and communicate with cooperative obstacles through established protocols. However, non-cooperative obstacles pose a significant threat to UAVs during low-flight operations. These obstacles include static obstacles like buildings, trees, or communication towers and dynamic objects like other UAVs. The application of autonomous UAVs in low-altitude surveillance has motivated research into non-cooperative local obstacle avoidance. This paper provides an overview of such solutions that have been proposed within the last decade. Unlike most literature that limits obstacle avoidance to algorithms, this work provides an in-depth review of obstacle avoidance components, namely the perception sensor, techniques, and hardware architecture of the obstacle avoidance system. This review categorizes the non-cooperative obstacle avoidance techniques into four groups: gap-based methods, geometric methods, repulsive force-based methods, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) based methods. This paper provides a comprehensive resource for researchers working on collision-free surveillance by autonomous UAVs at low altitudes.



