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Designing for possibility in public space: affordance, assemblage, and ANT
URBAN DESIGN International ( IF 1.862 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-08 , DOI: 10.1057/s41289-023-00235-y
Quentin Stevens , Jonathan Daly , Kim Dovey

The design of urban public space is inherently problematic because the range of its possible uses and meanings is broad and unpredictable. This paper engages this problematic through the lens of Gibson’s theory of ‘affordances’—the ways the material world affords for human desires. We first explore some conceptual and methodological problems of the theory of affordances and its application in understanding and designing public space. These dimensions of affordance theory are then reconceived using the relational thinking of assemblage and actor-network theory (ANT). A key contribution of the paper is an expanded typology of affordances which includes improvised and serendipitous affordances that extend beyond the intentions of designers and users. This opens new ways of thinking about the design of urban public space as a space of possibility where outcomes are open, multiple, and unpredictable. The paper suggests how urban spaces can be shaped to better support rich cultural diversity and social inclusion.


公共空间的可能性设计:可供性、组合和 ANT

