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Heating effect of T3He fusion plasma by injecting beam of deuteron
Indian Journal of Physics ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s12648-023-02981-9
J. Bahmani

It is shown that, when a high-power deuteron (D)-beam is injected into tritium–helium-3 (T3He) plasma, an additional power is produced into the target that increases the power gain due to added fusion reactions of D with T and 3He ions in the fast ignition scheme. The energy loss rate through both Coulomb and nuclear interactions (NI) of beam is very important in the T3He plasma. The results show that at the low electron temperature (\(T_{e}\)) the deposited power quickly decreases and at a high \(T_{e}\), Coulomb energy losses are more than NI. It is resulted that the D injected effect plays a significant role on improving fusion power gain in the T3He plasma. An added fusion power gain can be increased by raising \(T_{e}\). To achieve appreciable power gain value, \(T_{e}\) must be in the keV range. It is shown that despite a plasma of cold tritium and helium ions, the situation for net power generation is suitable. Finally, several important approaches are presented to increase the extra fusion power gain.



结果表明,当高功率氘核 (D) 束注入氚-氦-3 (T 3 He) 等离子体时,目标中会产生额外的功率,由于增加了聚变反应,从而增加了功率增益。 D 与 T 和3 He 离子在快速点火方案中。在 T 3 He 等离子体中,束流的库仑相互作用和核相互作用 (NI) 造成的能量损失率非常重要。结果表明,在低电子温度( \(T_{e}\))下,沉积功率迅速下降,在高\(T_{e}\)下,库仑能量损失大于NI。结果表明,D注入效应对提高T 3 He等离子体聚变功率增益具有重要作用。可以通过提高\(T_{e}\)来增加附加的聚变功率增益。为了获得可观的功率增益值,\(T_{e}\)必须在 keV 范围内。结果表明,尽管存在冷氚和氦离子等离子体,但净发电的情况是合适的。最后,提出了几种增加额外聚变功率增益的重要方法。
