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Early detection of Youngia japonica (L.) DC. (Asteraceae) in São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal
Invasive Plant Science and Management ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-08 , DOI: 10.1017/inp.2023.32
Guilherme Roxo , Luís Silva , Lurdes Borges Silva , Rúben Rego , Roberto Resendes , Mónica Moura

Youngia japonica (L.) DC. was recently discovered on the Azorean island of São Miguel. This species is a cosmopolitan herb that has been reported to be invasive in several regions of the world. It is unclear when and how this plant arrived in São Miguel, Azores. Nevertheless, we hypothesize that this is an unintentional and recent introduction. The populations are expanding in São Miguel, and action is needed to mitigate potential damage to native ecosystems.


Youngia japonica (L.) DC 的早期检测。(菊科)产于葡萄牙亚速尔群岛圣米格尔岛

Youngia japonica (L.) DC. 最近在亚速尔群岛的圣米格尔岛发现。该物种是一种世界性草本植物,据报道在世界多个地区具有入侵性。目前尚不清楚该植物何时以及如何抵达亚速尔群岛圣米格尔岛。尽管如此,我们假设这是一个无意的、最近的引入。圣米格尔岛的人口正在扩大,需要采取行动减轻对当地生态系统的潜在损害。
