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Revisiting Stress Propagation in a Two-Dimensional Elastic Circular Disk Under Diametric Loading
Journal of Elasticity ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10659-023-10047-4
Yosuke Sato , Haruto Ishikawa , Satoshi Takada

In this paper, we present a comprehensive investigation of stress propagation in a two-dimensional elastic circular disk. To accurately describe the displacements and stress fields within the disk, we employ a scalar and vector potential approach, representing them as sums of Bessel functions. The determination of the coefficients for these expansions is accomplished in the Laplace space, where we compare the boundary conditions. By converting the inverse Laplace transforms into complex integrals using residue calculus, we successfully derive explicit expressions for the displacements and stress fields. Notably, these expressions encompass primary, secondary, and surface waves, providing a thorough characterization of the stress propagation phenomena within the disk. Our findings contribute to the understanding of mechanical behavior in disk-shaped components and can be valuable in the design and optimization of such structures across various engineering disciplines.



