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A Kalman condition for the controllability of a coupled system of Stokes equations
Journal of Evolution Equations ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s00028-023-00935-6
Takéo Takahashi , Luz de Teresa , Yingying Wu-Zhang

We consider the controllability of a class of systems of n Stokes equations, coupled through terms of order zero and controlled by m distributed controls. Our main result states that such a system is null-controllable if and only if a Kalman type condition is satisfied. This generalizes the case of finite-dimensional systems and the case of systems of coupled linear heat equations. The proof of the main result relies on the use of the Kalman operator introduced in [1] and on a Carleman estimate for a cascade type system of Stokes equations. Using a fixed-point argument, we also obtain that if the Kalman condition is verified, then the corresponding system of Navier–Stokes equations is locally null-controllable.



