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Damage mitigation method studies through simulation modeling of chemical accidents
Process Safety Progress ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-10 , DOI: 10.1002/prs.12563
Sehyeon Oh 1 , Junseo Lee 1 , Byungchol Ma 1

In the chemical industry, when a fire occurs, a significant amount of energy is generated due to combustion, impacting other facilities within the plant and potentially leading to severe consequences through a domino effect. For decades, thermal radiation caused by flames has been calculated and predicted through simplified fire modeling. However, with advancements in computing technology, numerical model-based calculations have greatly improved, allowing for a more realistic implementation that considers actual phenomena. In this study, accident data and 3D modeling information were utilized to conduct fire modeling and simulation based on actual incidents in chemical plants. Through the analysis of simulation results, the initial emergency evacuation distance was provided to minimize the damage caused by thermal radiation, and the final evacuation distance was presented using the probit function. In addition, the study evaluated the impact of generated thermal radiation and overpressure on structures and equipment, providing evidence regarding the potential for secondary incidents. Moreover, the research revealed that the impact of thermal radiation and overpressure decreases due to obstacles, offering insights into the selection of emergency evacuation routes. This study can contribute to supporting effective emergency evacuation strategies in chemical facilities.


