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Methodology of Optimal Control of Low-Thrust Spacecraft Transfer Between Halo Orbits Around the Earth-Moon L2 Libration Point
Gyroscopy and Navigation Pub Date : 2024-01-11 , DOI: 10.1134/s2075108723030033
C. Du , O. L. Starinova , A. Yu. Demina

Abstract—The paper considers the problem of optimal control of an electric propulsion spacecraft maneuvering between the spatial halo orbits around the L2 libration point in the Earth−Moon system. The proposed methodology finds the initial approximations for calculating the transfer trajectories within the framework of restricted three-body problem and improves the computational efficiency of calculations. A low-thrust transfer between the halo orbits is calculated to confirm the validity of this computational procedure.



摘要:本文考虑了地月系统中围绕 L2 平动点的空间晕轨道之间机动的电推进航天器的最优控制问题。该方法在受限三体问题的框架内找到了计算转移轨迹的初始近似值,并提高了计算效率。计算晕轨道之间的低推力转移以确认该计算过程的有效性。
