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Digitalization, crowdfunding, eco-innovation and financial development for sustainability transitions and sustainable competitiveness: Insights from complexity theory
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge ( IF 18.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jik.2023.100460
Amal Dabbous , Karine Aoun Barakat , Abbas Tarhini

The introduction of digitalization and the promotion of eco-innovation, the move towards financial development, and the appearance of alternative financial practices such as crowdfunding as well as the adoption of freer economic systems represent plausible enablers of the sustainable transition and potentially help to increase nations’ sustainable competitiveness. However, knowledge is scarce about their contribution. The present study fills the gap in the sustainability literature by proposing a complexity theory lens to a dataset spanning four years from 2015 to 2018 for 18 countries which captures the possible configurations of the chosen factors that allow countries to achieve two outcomes: sustainability transitions and sustainable competitiveness. The findings show three configurations for each outcome. High levels of digitalization, crowdfunding, and financial development are present in all configurations showing their important contribution to sustainable competitiveness and sustainability transitions. High eco-innovation and economic freedom are present in four out of six solutions, while they are present in negation (low levels) in the remaining two solutions. Overall the results offer insights to policymakers, individuals, and businesses on how to use these findings to understand the complex interactions generating high sustainability transitions and sustainable competitiveness.



数字化的引入和生态创新的促进、金融发展的转变、众筹等替代金融实践的出现以及更自由的经济体系的采用,都是可持续转型的可能推动因素,并可能有助于增加国家' 可持续的竞争力。然而,人们对他们的贡献知之甚少。本研究通过对 18 个国家 2015 年至 2018 年四年的数据集提出复杂性理论视角,填补了可持续发展文献中的空白,该数据集捕获了所选因素的可能配置,使各国能够实现两个结果:可持续发展转型和可持续发展竞争力。研究结果显示了每种结果的三种配置。所有配置中都存在高水平的数字化、众筹和金融发展,显示出它们对可持续竞争力和可持续转型的重要贡献。六个解决方案中有四个具有高度的生态创新和经济自由度,而在其余两个解决方案中则处于否定状态(低水平)。总体而言,研究结果为政策制定者、个人和企业提供了关于如何利用这些发现来理解产生高度可持续性转型和可持续竞争力的复杂相互作用的见解。