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Mapping liveability: The “15-min city” concept for car-dependent districts in Auckland, New Zealand
Applied Geography ( IF 4.732 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2024.103197
Jing Jiang , Weijie Qiao , I-Ting Chuang , Yan Li , Tianyi Wang , Lee Beattie

This research explores the feasibility of aligning cities with post-COVID realities by retrofitting the emerging 15-min city model into the current urban setup. COVID-19's lasting global effects on trans-territorial mobility, particularly in car-dependent cities, prompt a rethinking of urban models and infrastructure for heightened resilience and post-pandemic liveability. Using network analysis and GIS mapping techniques, this research applies the 15-min city model to identify the most “liveable areas” in two car-dependent suburban neighbourhoods with contrasting service structures—dispersed in Remuera and centralised in Onehunga in Auckland City, New Zealand. “Liveable areas” are defined as areas with overlap coverage of all 6 essential services within a 15-min walk. The analysis involves a horizontal comparison of essential service coverage and a longitudinal analysis of the impacts of essential service coverage, both collectively and individually, within both neighbourhoods. Findings suggest the potential to retrofit both districts' urban infrastructure, while proximity to retail, healthcare, and leisure facilities are the services most urgently needing improvements. Noted issues include excessive big-box retail growth, uneven healthcare distribution, and private, non-everyday access to natural resources. This research methodically tests proximity-based planning for sustainable living, work, and recreation in car-dependent districts with centralised or dispersed urban structures.


绘制宜居性地图:新西兰奥克兰依赖汽车的地区的“15 分钟城市”概念

本研究探讨了通过将新兴的 15 分钟城市模型改造到当前城市设置中,使城市与后新冠疫情现实保持一致的可行性。COVID-19 对跨领土流动性的持久全球影响,特别是在依赖汽车的城市中,促使人们重新思考城市模式和基础设施,以提高韧性和大流行后的宜居性。本研究利用网络分析和 GIS 制图技术,应用 15 分钟城市模型来确定两个服务结构截然不同的依赖汽车的郊区中最“宜居的区域”——分散在新西兰奥克兰市的 Remuera 和集中在 Onehunga 。“宜居区”是指步行 15 分钟内所有 6 种基本服务重叠覆盖的区域。该分析涉及基本服务覆盖范围的横向比较以及基本服务覆盖范围对两个社区的集体和单独影响的纵向分析。调查结果表明,两个地区的城市基础设施都有改造的潜力,而零售、医疗和休闲设施的邻近性是最迫切需要改进的服务。值得注意的问题包括大型零售店过度增长、医疗保健分布不均以及私人非日常获取自然资源。这项研究系统地测试了在具有集中或分散城市结构的依赖汽车的地区可持续生活、工作和娱乐的基于邻近性的规划。
