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A Shadow of Doubt: Is There Implicit Bias Among Orthopaedic Surgery Faculty and Residents Regarding Race and Gender?
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-12 , DOI: 10.1097/corr.0000000000002933
Shawn R. Gilbert 1 , Timothy Torrez 1 , Achraf H. Jardaly 2, 3 , Kimberly J. Templeton 4 , Gabriella E. Ode 5 , Kelsie Coe 6 , Joshua C. Patt 6 , Mara L. Schenker 7 , Gerald McGwin 1 , Brent A. Ponce 2 ,

Orthopaedic surgery continues to be one of the least diverse medical specialties. Recently, increasing emphasis has been placed on improving diversity in the medical field, which includes the need to better understand existing biases. Despite this, only about 6% of orthopaedic surgeons are women and 0.3% are Black. Addressing diversity, in part, requires a better understanding of existing biases. Most universities and residency programs have statements and policies against discrimination that seek to eliminate explicit biases. However, unconscious biases might negatively impact the selection, training, and career advancement of women and minorities who are underrepresented in orthopaedic surgery. Although this is difficult to measure, the Implicit Association Test (IAT) by Project Implicit might be useful to identify and measure levels of unconscious bias among orthopaedic surgeons, providing opportunities for additional interventions to improve diversity in this field.



骨科手术仍然是最不多样化的医学专业之一。最近,人们越来越重视改善医学领域的多样性,其中包括需要更好地理解现有的偏见。尽管如此,只有大约 6% 的整形外科医生是女性,0.3% 是黑人。在某种程度上,解决多样性问题需要更好地理解现有的偏见。大多数大学和住院医师项目都有反对歧视的声明和政策,旨在消除明显的偏见。然而,无意识的偏见可能会对骨科手术中代表性不足的女性和少数族裔的选择、培训和职业发展产生负面影响。尽管这很难测量,但 Project Implicit 的内隐关联测试 (IAT) 可能有助于识别和测量骨科医生中无意识偏见的程度,为额外的干预措施提供机会,以改善该领域的多样性。