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Mind the framing when studying social preferences in the domain of losses
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization ( IF 2.000 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2023.12.024
Armenak Antinyan , Luca Corazzini , Miloš Fišar , Tommaso Reggiani

There is no consensus in whether monetary losses make individuals more generous or selfish. Utilizing a dictator game (DG), we study the impact of loss framing on altruism and find that dictators’ altruism is sensitive to the loss frame they are embedded in. In a DG in which the dictators share a loss between themselves and a recipient, the monetary allocations are more benevolent than in a setting without a loss and in a DG in which the dictators share what remains of their endowments after a loss. These differences are explained by the social norms the loss frames invoke.



对于金钱损失是否会使个人变得更慷慨还是更自私,目前还没有达成共识。利用独裁者博弈(DG),我们研究了损失框架对利他主义的影响,发现独裁者的利他主义对其嵌入的损失框架很敏感。在独裁者与接受者之间分担损失的 DG 中,货币分配比没有损失的环境和独裁者在损失后分享剩余的捐赠的 DG 更为仁慈。这些差异可以通过损失框架所引用的社会规范来解释。
