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Microcapsule-enabled self-healing concrete: A bibliometric analysis
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s11709-023-0023-9
Shuai Zhou , Zijian Li , Kai Li , Yue Jia , Chong Wang , Xiaoying Zhuang

With the development of self-healing technology, the overall properties of the microcapsule-enabled self-healing concrete have taken a giant leap. In this research, a detailed assessment of current research on the microcapsule-enabled self-healing concrete is conducted, together with bibliometric analysis. In the bibliometric analysis, various indicators are considered. The current state of progress regarding self-healing concrete is assessed, and an analysis of the temporal distribution of documents, organizations and countries of literature is conducted. Later, a discussion of the citations is analyzed. The research summarizes the improvements of microcapsule-enabled self-healing cementitious composites and provides a concise background overview.



