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Improving maternal safety: Usability and performance assessment of a new medical device for the treatment of postpartum haemorrhage
Applied Ergonomics ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2023.104223
Sara Candidori , Nicolò Dozio , Kasra Osouli , Serena Graziosi , Alberto Antonio Zanini , Maria Laura Costantino , Francesco De Gaetano

Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is an obstetric emergency causing nearly one-quarter of maternal deaths worldwide, 99% of these in low-resource settings (LRSs). Uterine balloon tamponade (UBT) devices are a non-surgical treatment to stop PPH. In LRSs, low-cost versions of UBT devices are based on the condom balloon tamponade (CBT) technique, but their effectiveness is limited. This paper discusses the experimental study to assess the usability and performance of a medical device, BAMBI, designed as an alternative to current CBT devices. The testing phase involved medical and non-medical personnel and was focused on testing BAMBI's usability and effectiveness compared to a standard CBT solution. We collected measures of the execution time and the procedure outcome. Different training procedures were also compared. Results show a significant preference for the BAMBI device. Besides, medical and non-medical subjects reached comparable outcomes. This aspect is highly relevant in LRSs where the availability of medical personnel could be limited.



产后出血 (PPH) 是一种产科急症,导致全球近四分之一的孕产妇死亡,其中 99% 发生在资源匮乏地区 (LRS)。子宫球囊填塞 (UBT) 装置是一种阻止 PPH 的非手术治疗方法。在 LRS 中,UBT 设备的低成本版本基于避孕套球囊填塞 (CBT) 技术,但其有效性有限。本文讨论了评估医疗设备 BAMBI 的可用性和性能的实验研究,该设备被设计为当前 CBT 设备的替代品。测试阶段涉及医疗和非医疗人员,重点是测试 BAMBI 与标准 CBT 解决方案相比的可用性和有效性。我们收集了执行时间和程序结果的测量结果。还比较了不同的训练程序。结果显示人们对 BAMBI 设备有明显的偏好。此外,医学和非医学科目的结果相当。这方面与远程医疗服务高度相关,因为医疗人员的可用性可能有限。
