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Acute alcohol exposure and electrocardiographic changes: Finding from the HOLIDAY trial
Journal of Electrocardiology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jelectrocard.2024.01.003
Luisa Ciuffo , Monica Tung , Jonathan W. Dukes , Eric Vittinghoff , Joshua D. Moss , Randall J. Lee , Byron K. Lee , Zian H. Tseng , Vasanth Vedantham , Jeffrey E. Olgin , Melvin M. Scheinman , Henry Hsia , Vijay A. Ramchandani , Edward P. Gerstenfeld , Gregory M. Marcus

Alcohol consumption is associated with a higher increased risk of atrial fibrillation (AF), but the acute effects on cardiac electrophysiology in humans remain poorly understood. The HOw ALcohol InDuces Atrial TachYarrhythmias (HOLIDAY) Trial revealed that alcohol shortened pulmonary vein atrial effective refractory periods, but more global electrophysiologic changes gleaned from the surface ECG have not yet been reported. This was a secondary analysis of the HOLIDAY Trial. During AF ablation procedures, 100 adults were randomized to intravenous alcohol titrated to 0.08% blood alcohol concentration versus a volume and osmolarity-matched, masked, placebo. Intervals measured from 12‑lead ECGs were compared between pre infusion and at infusion steady state (20 min). The average age was 60 years and 11% were female. No significant differences in the P-wave duration, PR, QRS or QT intervals, were present between alcohol and placebo arms. However, infusion of alcohol was associated with a statistically significant relative shortening of the JT interval (r: −14.73, = 0.048) after multivariable adjustment. Acute exposure to alcohol was associated with a relative reduction in the JT interval, reflecting shortening of ventricular repolarization. These acute changes may reflect a more global shortening of refractoriness, suggesting immediate proarrhythmic effects pertinent to the atria and ventricles.


急性酒精暴露和心电图变化:HOLIDAY 试验的发现

饮酒与心房颤动 (AF) 的风险增加有关,但对人类心脏电生理学的急性影响仍知之甚少。酒精如何诱发房性心律失常(假日)试验表明,酒精缩短了肺静脉心房的有效不应期,但从表面心电图收集到的更多整体电生理变化尚未报道。这是对假日试验的二次分析。在 AF 消融过程中,100 名成年人被随机分配接受静脉酒精滴定至 0.08% 血液酒精浓度,并与容量和渗透压匹配的掩蔽安慰剂进行比较。比较输注前和输注稳态(20 分钟)时 12 导联心电图测量的时间间隔。平均年龄为 60 岁,其中 11% 为女性。酒精组和安慰剂组之间的 P 波持续时间、PR、QRS 或 QT 间期没有显着差异。然而,多变量调整后,输注酒精与 JT 间期的统计显着相对缩短相关(r:-14.73,= 0.048)。急性暴露于酒精与 JT 间期相对缩短有关,反映了心室复极的缩短。这些急性变化可能反映了更全面的不应期缩短,表明与心房和心室相关的直接致心律失常效应。