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Position paper on sustainability in cardiac pacing and electrophysiology from the Working Group of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology of the French Society of Cardiology
Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.acvd.2023.11.016
Frédéric Sacher , Raoul Bacquelin , Francis Bessiere , Geoffroy Ditac , Josselin Duchateau , Mina Ait-Said , Serge Boveda , Fabrice Extramiana , Laura Delsarte , Laurent Fauchier , Estelle Gandjbakhch , Rodrigue Garcia , Didier Klug , Nicolas Lellouche , Eloi Marijon , Raphael Martins , Philipe Maury , Carole Mette , Olivier Piot , Jerome Taieb , Pascal Defaye

Sustainability in healthcare, particularly within the domain of cardiac electrophysiology, assumes paramount importance for the near future. The escalating environmental constraints encountered necessitate a proactive approach. This position paper aims to raise awareness among physicians, spark critical inquiry and identify potential solutions to enhance the sustainability of our practice. Reprocessing of single-use medical devices has emerged as a potential solution to mitigate the environmental impact of electrophysiology procedures, while also offering economic advantages. However, reprocessing remains unauthorized in certain countries. In regions where it is possible, stringent regulatory standards must be adhered to, to ensure patient safety. It is essential that healthcare professionals, policymakers and manufacturers collaborate to drive innovation, explore sustainable practices and ensure that patient care remains uncompromised in the face of environmental challenges. Ambitious national/international programmes of disease prevention should be the cornerstone of the strategy. It is equally vital to implement immediate actions, as delineated in this position paper, to bring about tangible change quickly.


