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Predictable navigation through spontaneous brain states with cognitive-map-like representations
Progress in Neurobiology ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2024.102570
Siyang Li , Zhipeng Li , Qiuyi Liu , Peng Ren , Lili Sun , Zaixu Cui , Xia Liang

Just as navigating a physical environment, navigating through the landscapes of spontaneous brain states may also require an internal cognitive map. Contemporary computation theories propose modeling a cognitive map from a reinforcement learning perspective and argue that the map would be predictive in nature, representing each state as its upcoming states. Here, we used resting-state fMRI to test the hypothesis that the spaces of spontaneously reoccurring brain states are cognitive map-like, and may exhibit future-oriented predictivity. We identified two discrete brain states of the navigation-related brain networks during rest. By combining pattern similarity and dimensional reduction analysis, we embedded the occurrences of each brain state in a two-dimensional space. Successor representation modeling analysis recognized that these brain state occurrences exhibit place cell-like representations, akin to those observed in a physical space. Moreover, we observed predictive transitions of reoccurring brain states, which strongly covaried with individual cognitive and emotional assessments. Our findings offer a novel perspective on the cognitive significance of spontaneous brain activity and support the theory of cognitive map as a unifying framework for mental navigation.



