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Molecular monitoring of treatment efficacy in human visceral leishmaniasis
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-15 , DOI: 10.1093/trstmh/trad103
Sutopa Roy 1 , Srija Moulik 1 , Surya Jyati Chaudhuri 2 , Manab K Ghosh 3 , R P Goswami 3 , Bibhuti Saha 3 , Mitali Chatterjee 1

Background Focused efforts of the visceral leishmaniasis elimination program have led to a drastic decline in cases, and the present challenge is disease monitoring, which this study aimed to assess. Methods A Leishmania kinetoplastid-targeted qPCR quantified parasite load at disease presentation, and following treatment completion (n=49); an additional 80 cases were monitored after completion of treatment. Results The parasite load at disease presentation was 13 461.00 (2560.00–37764.00)/µg gDNA, which upon completion of treatment reduced in 47 of 49 cases to 1(1–1)/µg gDNA, p<0.0001. In 80 cases that presented >2 months post-treatment, their parasite burden similarly decreased to 1(1–1)/µg gDNA except in 6 of 80 cases, which were qPCR positive. Conclusion In 129 cases of visceral leishmaniasis, qPCR by quantification of parasite burden proved effective for monitoring treatment.



背景 内脏利什曼病消除计划的集中努力导致病例急剧下降,目前的挑战是疾病监测,本研究旨在评估这一点。方法利什曼原虫动质体靶向 qPCR 定量疾病出现时和治疗完成后的寄生虫负荷 (n=49);另有80例病例在治疗完成后接受监测。结果 发病时寄生虫载量为 13 461.00 (2560.00–37764.00)/μg gDNA,治疗完成后,49 例中有 47 例降至 1(1–1)/μg gDNA,p<0.0001。在治疗后 2 个月以上的 80 例病例中,除了 80 例中的​​ 6 例 qPCR 呈阳性外,其寄生虫负荷同样降至 1(1-1)/μg gDNA。结论 在 129 例内脏利什曼病病例中,通过定量寄生虫负荷进行的 qPCR 被证明可有效监测治疗情况。