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Seven new species of the segmented spider genus Liphistius (Mesothelae, Liphistiidae) in Thailand and Myanmar
ZooKeys ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-16 , DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1189.115850
Varat Sivayyapram , Chawakorn Kunsete , Xin Xu , Deborah R. Smith , Prapun Traiyasut , Sureerat Deowanish , Mu Mu Aung , Hirotsugu Ono , Daiqin Li , Natapot Warrit

 Seven new species of the primitive segmented spider genus Liphistius are described and assigned to species groups based on characters of the male palp and vulva plate. The bristowei group includes L. dawei Sivayyapram & Warrit, sp. nov. (♂♀) from southeastern Myanmar, L. choosaki Sivayyapram & Warrit, sp. nov. (♀) from northwestern Thailand, and L. lansak Sivayyapram & Warrit, sp. nov. (♀) from western Thailand; the trang group (Complex A) contains L. kaengkhoi Sivayyapram & Warrit, sp. nov. (♂♀), L. hintung Sivayyapram & Warrit, sp. nov. (♂♀), L. buyphradi Sivayyapram & Warrit, sp. nov. (♂♀), and L. champakpheaw Sivayyapram & Warrit, sp. nov. (♂♀) from central Thailand.


泰国和缅甸的分节蜘蛛属 Liphistius(Mesothelae,Liphistiidae)的七个新种

 描述了原始分节蜘蛛属 Liphistius 的七个新物种,并根据雄性触须和外阴板的特征将其分配到物种组。bristowei 集团包括 L. dawei Sivayyapram & Warrit, sp.。十一月 (♂♀) 来自缅甸东南部,L. choosaki Sivayyapram & Warrit, sp。十一月 (♀) 来自泰国西北部,以及 L. lansak Sivayyapram & Warrit, sp。十一月 (♀) 来自泰国西部;trang 组(复合体 A)包含 L. kaengkhoi Sivayyapram 和 Warrit, sp。十一月 (♂♀),L.hinung Sivayyapram & Warrit,sp。十一月 (♂♀),L. buyphradi Sivayyapram & Warrit,sp。十一月 (♂♀) 和 L. champakpheaw Sivayyapram & Warrit, sp。十一月 (♂♀) 来自泰国中部。