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Spatial classification in the presence of measurement error
Spatial Statistics ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.spasta.2024.100812
Yuhan Ma , Kyuhee Shin , GyuWon Lee , Joon Jin Song

In recent decades, spatial classification has received considerable attention in a wide array of disciplines. In practice, binary response variable is often subject to measurement error, misclassification. To account for the misclassified response in spatial classification, we proposed validation data-based adjustment methods that use interval validation data to rectify misclassified responses. Regression calibration and multiple imputation methods are utilized to correct the misclassified outcomes at the locations where the gold-standard device is not available. Generalized linear mixed model and indicator Kriging are applied for spatial classification at unsampled locations. Simulation studies are performed to compare the proposed methods with naive methods that ignore the misclassification. It was found that the proposed models significantly improve prediction accuracy. Additionally, the proposed models are applied for precipitation detection in South Korea.



