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Flow-augmentation II: Undirected Graphs
ACM Transactions on Algorithms ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1145/3641105
Eun Jung Kim 1 , Stefan Kratsch 2 , Marcin Pilipczuk 3 , Magnus Wahlström 4

We present an undirected version of the recently introduced flow-augmentation technique: Given an undirected multigraph G with distinguished vertices s,t ∈ V(G) and an integer k, one can in randomized k𝒪(1)(|V(G)| + |E(G)|) time sample a set A ⊆ \(\binom{V(G)}{2}\) such that the following holds: for every inclusion-wise minimal st-cut Z in G of cardinality at most k, Z becomes a minimum-cardinality cut between s and t in G+A (i.e., in the multigraph G with all edges of A added) with probability 2-𝒪(k log k).

Compared to the version for directed graphs [STOC 2022], the version presented here has improved success probability (2-𝒪(k log k) instead of 2-𝒪(k4 log k)), linear dependency on the graph size in the running time bound, and an arguably simpler proof.

An immediate corollary is that the Bi-objective st-Cut problem can be solved in randomized FPT time 2𝒪(k log k) (|V(G)|+|E(G)|) on undirected graphs.


流量增强 II:无向图

我们提出了最近引入的流量增强技术的无向版本:给定一个无向多重图G ,其具有可区分的顶点s,t ∈ V(G)和一个整数k,我们可以随机化k 𝒪(1)(|V(G) )| + |E(G)|)对集合A ⊆ \(\binom{V(G)}{2}\) 进行时间采样,使得以下内容成立:对于G中的每个包含明智的最小stZ基数至多为kZ成为G+Ast之间的最小基数割(即,在添加了A的所有边的多重图G中),概率为 2 -𝒪( k log k )。

与有向图 [STOC 2022] 的版本相比,此处提供的版本提高了成功概率(2 -𝒪( k log k ) 而不是 2 -𝒪( k 4 log k )),线性依赖于图大小运行时间限制,以及可以说是更简单的证明。

直接的推论是,双目标st -Cut问题可以在无向图上以随机 FPT 时间 2 𝒪( k log k ) (|V(G)|+|E(G)|)解决。
