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Computational wave-based photoacoustic imaging through an unknown thick aberrating layer
Photoacoustics ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pacs.2024.100584
Yevgeny Slobodkin , Ori Katz

We introduce a physics-based computational reconstruction framework for non-invasive photoacoustic tomography through a thick aberrating layer. Our wave-based approach leverages an analytic formulation of diffraction to beamform a photoacoustic image, when the aberrating layer profile is known. When the profile of the aberrating layer is unknown, the same analytical formulation serves as the basis for an automatic-differentiation regularized optimization algorithm that simultaneously reconstructs both the profile of the aberrating layer and the optically absorbing targets. Results from numerical studies and proof-of-concept experiments show promise for fast beamforming that takes into account diffraction effects occurring in the propagation through thick, highly-aberrating layers.



