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Communication: Inferring speaker intentions or perceiving the world? Insights from developmental research
Journal of Pragmatics ( IF 1.860 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pragma.2023.12.014
Diana Mazzarella , Edoardo Vaccargiu

Communication is an effective and rich tool to transmit information to others. Different models of communication, though, disagree on how beliefs are acquired via testimony. While the Intentional-Inferential Model conceives communication as a matter of expressing, recognizing and evaluating intentions, the Direct Perception Model views communication as a means for direct belief transfer. What kind of experimental data can be brought to bear on this debate? We argue that developmental research can provide relevant insights for advancing the present debate. Drawing on recent experimental findings on the ontogeny of vigilance and trust, we question the idea that communication involves direct belief transfer and illustrate how children's reliance on communication is the result of smart processes of trust calibration.



