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Tourism vocational education: Relations of input and output
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education ( IF 2.628 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhlste.2024.100479
Monica Waichun Choy , Alexander Seeshing Yeung

This study examines the contribution of vocational education (VE) inputs of career-related interest and self-attributes of attitude, skills, and knowledge (ASK) to career-related decision outputs using the lens of Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT). Data from 407 tourism students were analysed by structural equation modelling. Positive attitude is related significantly to resilience. Self-efficacy of relevant skills is related significantly to lifelong career choice. Students’ interest in tourism is the strongest predictor of lifelong career choice amidst the unfavourite industry environment of Covid-19. Vocational education institutions should differentiate provisions of specific educational inputs for specific outputs to fulfil societal demands.



本研究使用社会认知职业理论(SCCT)的视角,探讨了职业教育(VE)输入的职业相关兴趣以及态度、技能和知识的自我属性(ASK)对职业相关决策输出的贡献。通过结构方程模型分析了 407 名旅游专业学生的数据。积极的态度与复原力显着相关。相关技能的自我效能感与终身职业选择显着相关。在Covid-19不利的行业环境中,学生对旅游的兴趣是终生职业选择的最强预测因素。职业教育机构应当差别化提供具体的教育投入和具体的产出,满足社会需求。