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Industry 3.5 for sustainable supply chain management: challenges and foresight
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications ( IF 5.992 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-01 , DOI: 10.1080/13675567.2024.2305008
Ming-Lang Tseng, Chen-Fu Chien, Kathleen Aviso, Ha Minh Hiep

Industry 3.5 has emerged as a hybrid strategy for sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). However, the challenges and foresights are always expected from the idea collection. This SI includes d...


工业 3.5 可持续供应链管理:挑战与前瞻

工业 3.5 已成为可持续供应链管理 (SSCM) 的混合战略。然而,创意收集中总是充满挑战和预见。该 SI 包括...