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A Graph-based framework for assembly sequence planning of a cable harness
Journal of Manufacturing Systems ( IF 12.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2024.01.007
Hang Zhou , Qi Lu , Jinwu Qian

This paper focuses on assembly sequence planning (ASP) for cable harness, which is an essential but not yet well-addressed problem for automated cable assembly. A systematic approach is proposed to obtain all feasible assembly sequences taking account of the effects of the topological structure as well as various types of assembly tasks. The cable representation is first extended to consider the assembled relations of tasks along the entire cable. Then, the effects of a typical task on the assembly feasibility of the entire cable are analyzed. Finally, a framework is proposed to generate all feasible assembly sequences for the cable assembly. The proposed framework is verified using typical cable harnesses with single and multi-branches.


