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Modeling analysis and experiment for energy system of ocean energy driven unmanned marine vehicle: The Yulang II case study
Journal of Field Robotics ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-22 , DOI: 10.1002/rob.22290
Qi Jia 1, 2 , Yulei Liao 1, 2 , Peihong Xu 1, 2 , Shuo Pang 3 , Bo Wang 1, 2 , Ye Li 1, 2

It is critical to master a marine robot's energy system characteristics adequately to ensure that the robot can perform long-endurance tasks in complex and ever-changing marine environments. This paper presents, for the first time, an energy system modeling and analysis method for a marine robot driven by wind, solar, and wave composite energy, using Yulang II as an example. First, an onshore experiment method was designed, and then the conversion experiment of wind, sunlight, and electrical energy was carried out based on that experiment method. At the same time, based on computational fluid dynamics technology, a resistance pole curve considering wave energy capture is constructed. In addition, the attitude, relative motion, and battery constraints of the robot in the ocean are analyzed to construct the energy system model of Yulang II. Finally, the method and model proposed in this paper were compared and verified by simulation and field tests. The results indicated that the corrected forecast deviation was 5.71% in the typical marine environment of the experiment, which supported the study of ocean energy-driven unmanned marine vehicles strongly.


