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Helping without being asked as a cultural practice
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology ( IF 3.280 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.appdev.2023.101631
Angélica López-Fraire , Barbara Rogoff , Lucía Alcalá

This study found cultural differences in 6- to 10-year-olds’ helping without being asked, with attentiveness and initiative. In line with cultural values, 19 Mexican-heritage sibling pairs from families familiar with Indigenous practices (and limited Western schooling) helped an instructor without being asked more than did 19 European-heritage pairs from families with extensive schooling. The Mexican-heritage children’s mothers also reported that most of them helped at home without being asked, unlike the European-heritage children. Children with experience of both cultural systems – 19 sibling pairs of Mexican-heritage children with extensive family experience with Western schooling – helped at home without being asked, like the Mexican Indigenous-heritage children, but like the European-heritage families, they did not help much during instruction. They switched their approach in different contexts — helping at home where it is expected and valued, and not helping in an instructional situation where it may be unwelcome.



这项研究发现,6 至 10 岁的孩子在没有要求的情况下,专注且主动地提供帮助方面存在文化差异。根据文化价值观,来自熟悉原住民习俗(以及有限的西方学校教育)的家庭的 19 对墨西哥裔兄弟姐妹在没有被要求的情况下帮助了一名教练,比来自受过广泛教育的家庭的 19 对欧洲裔兄弟姐妹提供的帮助更多。墨西哥裔儿童的母亲还报告说,与欧洲裔儿童不同,她们中的大多数人在未经要求的情况下就在家帮忙。经历过两种文化体系的儿童——19对墨西哥裔儿童的兄弟姐妹,拥有丰富的西方学校教育家庭经验——像墨西哥土著裔儿童一样,在没有被要求的情况下在家中提供帮助,但像欧洲裔家庭一样,他们没有提供帮助。在教学过程中提供很大帮助。他们在不同的情况下改变了自己的方法——在家里提供期望和重视的帮助,而在可能不受欢迎的教学情况下不提供帮助。
