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Automated annotation of parallel bible corpora with cross-lingual semantic concordance
Natural Language Engineering ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-25 , DOI: 10.1017/s135132492300058x
Jens Dörpinghaus

Here we present an improved approach for automated annotation of New Testament corpora with cross-lingual semantic concordance based on Strong’s numbers. Based on already annotated texts, they provide references to the original Greek words. Since scientific editions and translations of biblical texts are often not available for scientific purposes and are rarely freely available, there is a lack of up-to-date training data. In addition, since annotation, curation, and quality control of alignments between these texts are expensive, there is a lack of available biblical resources for scholars. We present two improved approaches to the problem, based on dictionaries and already annotated biblical texts. We provide a detailed evaluation of annotated and unannotated translations. We also discuss a proof of concept based on English and German New Testament translations. The results presented in this paper are novel and, to our knowledge, unique. They show promising performance, although further research is needed.


