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Potential Functions for Functionally Graded Transversely Isotropic Media Subjected to Thermal Source in Thermoelastodynamics Problems
Journal of Elasticity ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10659-023-10024-x
Siavash Panahi , Bahram Navayi Neya


This paper develops a novel set of displacement temperature potential functions to solve the thermoelastodynamic problems in functionally graded transversely isotropic media subjected to thermal source. For this purpose, three-dimensional heat and wave equations are considered to obtain the displacement temperature equations of motion for functionally graded materials. In the present study, a systematic method is used to decouple the elasticity and heat equations. Hence one sixth-order differential equation and two second-order differential equations are obtained. Completeness of the solution is proved using a retarded logarithmic Newtonian potential function for functionally graded transversely isotropic domain. To verify the obtained solution, in a simpler case, potential functions are generated for homogeneous transversely isotropic media that coincide with respective equations. Presented potential functions can be used to solve the problems in various media like infinite and semi-infinite space, beams and columns, plates, shells, etc., with arbitrary boundary conditions and subjected to arbitrary mechanical and thermal loads.




