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Hospitality industry attraction: The effect of job openings and employee wages in the United States
Tourism Management ( IF 12.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2024.104888
Tarik Dogru , Sean McGinley , Timothy Self

The recent development in the United States hospitality industry and the overall economy following the recent pandemic demonstrates a call for a new examination of how employees who are on the job market perceive hospitality jobs. The purpose of this study is to examine how the U.S. hospitality industry is positioned to attract new talent from other sectors of the economy. Specifically, we examine the effects job openings and wages in the hospitality industry on voluntary turnover in the overall U.S. economy and major sectors across the economy. The findings from this study are expected to show the extent to which hospitality firms are successful in recruiting from other industries. The results show that job openings and wages in the U.S. hospitality industry have positive and statistically-significant effects on voluntary turnover in various sectors of the economy, such as construction, manufacturing, education, and healthcare. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


