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Correction to: Clinical and biological relevance of the transcriptomic-based prostate cancer metastasis subtypes MetA-C
Molecular Oncology ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-24 , DOI: 10.1002/1878-0261.13579

In the manuscript by Elin Thysell et al. [[1]], Figure legends for Supplementary Fig. S1 and Fig. S2 and the Supplementary file ‘Supplementary information_rev’ were missing but are now provided.

Figure legends for Supplementary Fig. S1 and Fig. S2 should read as below:

Figure S1. Associations between the metastasis subtypes A-C (MetA-C) and ETS gene fusion status. Mean fraction estimates of the MetA-C are shown in relation to the ETS gene fusion status of samples in the Quigley (A), Abida polyA (B), and Abida capture (C) cohorts. ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, and *P < 0.05, according to the Mann–Whitney U-test.

Figure S2. Associations between the metastasis subtypes A-C (MetA-C) and deleterious single nucleotide variants (SNVs). Heatmaps are showing deleterious SNVs significantly associated with the estimated fraction of MetA (black), MetB (blue), or MetC (gray) in metastasis samples of the Quigley (A), Abida capture (B), and Abida polyA (C) cohorts. Samples are sorted by increased fraction of MetB.

In Supplementary Table 1, in rows 63 and 64 the anatomical site for two samples (unique sample IDs 61 and 62) has been changed from crista to LN.

On page 847 in the Material and Methods section 2.1. Patient samples, the sentence ‘Core biopsies from the iliac crest or lymph node metastases were obtained from 16 and 2 patients, respectively’. should have read ‘Core biopsies from the iliac crest or lymph node metastases were obtained from 14 and 4 patients, respectively’.

The correction of these errors has not altered the interpretation of data and did not affect the conclusions presented in the article.

The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused.


更正:基于转录组学的前列腺癌转移亚型 MetA-C 的临床和生物学相关性

在艾琳·蒂塞尔等人的手稿中。 [ [1] ],补充图 S1 和图 S2 的图例以及补充文件“补充信息_rev”缺失,但现在已提供。

补充图 S1 和图 S2 的图例应如下所示:

图S1。转移亚型 AC (MetA-C) 与 ETS 基因融合状态之间的关联。 MetA-C 的平均分数估计值与 Quigley (A)、Abida polyA (B) 和 Abida capture (C) 队列中样品的 ETS 基因融合状态相关。 根据曼-惠特尼U检验,*** P  < 0.001、** P  < 0.01 和 * P < 0.05。

图S2。转移亚型 AC (MetA-C) 和有害单核苷酸变异 (SNV) 之间的关联。热图显示有害 SNV 与 Quigley (A)、Abida capture (B) 和 Abida polyA (C) 队列转移样本中 MetA(黑色)、MetB(蓝色)或 MetC(灰色)的估计分数显着相关。样品按照 MetB 增加的分数进行分类。

在补充表 1 中,第 63 行和第 64 行中两个样本(唯一样本 ID 61 和 62)的解剖部位已从嵴更改为 LN。

第 847 页,材料和方法第 2.1 节。患者样本中,句子“分别从16 名和 2 名患者获得了来自髂嵴或淋巴结转移的核心活检”。应该读作“分别从14 名和 4 名患者身上获得了髂嵴或淋巴结转移的核心活检”。


