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Codistribution of Cattle and Exotic Oryx on Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland, South-Central New Mexico
Rangeland Ecology & Management ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rama.2023.12.005
Louis C. Bender , Andrew Cox

We investigated factors influencing codistribution of cattle and exotic oryx on the Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center (CDRRC), south-central New Mexico. We established a camera-trapping grid on the CDRRC, 2019–2022, and modeled occupancy of cattle and oryx as a function of habitat attributes and presence of the other species. Species interaction factors were > 3.9 for oryx and cattle, and presence of either ungulate never negatively influenced occupancy of either except at water sites. Similarly, occupancy of the CDRRC landscape was positively correlated (≥ 0.77) between oryx and cattle. Occupancy of oryx was weakly negatively influenced by total edge and terrain ruggedness. Cattle occupancy was weakly associated with areas away from roads, nearer water, and with greater number of habitat patches in the landscape (i.e., within a 1-km radius). Presence of oryx and cattle at water sites was negatively correlated ( = –0.20); patterns of use indicated that oryx avoided using water sites when cattle were present. Rather than segregation driven by interference competition or despotism, our results appeared to reflect common preferences and distribution of oryx and cattle for much of the CDRRC landscape. The exception to this was apparent subdominance of oryx to cattle at water sites.



我们在新墨西哥州中南部的奇瓦瓦沙漠牧场研究中心 (CDRRC) 调查了影响牛和外来羚羊共同分布的因素。我们在 2019-2022 年 CDRRC 上建立了一个相机捕捉网格,并根据栖息地属性和其他物种的存在对牛和羚羊的占用情况进行了建模。羚羊和牛的物种相互作用因子 > 3.9,并且除水域外,任何有蹄类动物的存在都不会对其占用产生负面影响。同样,CDRRC 景观的占用率在羚羊和牛之间呈正相关(≥ 0.77)。羚羊的占有率受到总边缘和地形崎岖程度的轻微负面影响。牛的居住量与远离道路、靠近水域以及景观中栖息地斑块数量较多(即半径 1 公里内)的区域相关性较弱。水源中羚羊和牛的存在呈负相关 (= –0.20);使用模式表明,当有牛存在时,羚羊避免使用水源。我们的结果似乎反映了 CDRRC 大部分景观中羚羊和牛的共同偏好和分布,而不是由干扰竞争或专制主义驱动的隔离。例外的是在水域中羚羊的地位明显低于牛。