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Evolution of Men’s Image in Fashion Advertising: Breaking Stereotypes and Embracing Diversity
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research ( IF 5.318 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-24 , DOI: 10.3390/jtaer19010011
María Jesús Carrasco-Santos 1 , Carmen Cristófol-Rodríguez 2 , Ismael Begdouri-Rodríguez 2

This research study explores the representation of men in fashion advertising and investigates whether societal and fashion evolution has contributed to a departure from traditional stereotypes. The research methodology comprised three phases: content analysis, surveys, and in-depth interviews with an expert panel, examining how men’s clothing has been communicated in fashion over a span of 50 years, with a focus on three renowned brands: Lacoste, Burberry, and Hugo Boss. The findings reveal a notable shift in fashion advertising targeting men, characterized by increased racial diversity among models and a more diverse depiction of attitudes and poses. However, homosexual or bisexual couples remain largely unrepresented. The study highlights the influence of advertising on shaping the image of the “new man”, evident through the diminishing gender boundaries in clothing and accessories and the persistent struggle to break free from stereotypes. The study underscores the significance of ongoing efforts to promote diversity and inclusivity in fashion advertising.



这项研究探讨了男性在时尚广告中的表现,并调查了社会和时尚的演变是否导致了传统刻板印象的背离。研究方法包括三个阶段:内容分析、调查以及专家小组的深入访谈,研究了 50 年来男装在时尚界的传播方式,重点关注三个知名品牌:Lacoste、Burberry、和雨果·博斯。调查结果显示,针对男性的时尚广告发生了显着变化,其特点是模特的种族多样性增加,以及对态度和姿势的描述更加多样化。然而,同性恋或双性恋伴侣在很大程度上仍然没有代表性。该研究强调了广告对塑造“新男人”形象的影响,这一点通过服装和配饰中性别界限的缩小以及摆脱刻板印象的不懈努力就可以看出。该研究强调了持续努力促进时尚广告多样性和包容性的重要性。