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Numerical Study of the Effect of Polydispersity on the Mass Transfer of the Dispersed Phase during the Passage of a Shock Wave through a Gas Suspension
Fluid Dynamics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-27 , DOI: 10.1134/s0015462823601997
D. A. Gubaidullin , D. A. Tukmakov


The paper numerically simulates the propagation of a shock wave through a gas suspension. The carrier medium is described as a viscous, compressible, heat-conducting gas. The mathematical model implements a continuum method for the dynamics of multiphase media, taking into account the interaction of the carrier medium and the dispersed phase. The mass transfer of disperse inclusions suspended in the gas, caused by the interaction of the shock wave with monodisperse gas suspensions and with gas suspensions having a multifractional composition, is modeled. Differences in the mass transfer of particles depending on the particle size are revealed. It is also found that the process of mass transfer of dispersed inclusions in a monodisperse gas suspension differs from a similar process for a fraction of a polydisperse gas suspension having the same particle size and the same volumetric content.




