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Molecular prevalence of vector borne bacterial pathogens in the blood samples of wild rodent species trapped from Saudi Arabia
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cimid.2024.102129
Abdul Ghafar , Samia Q. Alghamdi , Abdullah D. Alanazi , Syed Muhammad Zukhruf Qousain , Maryam Ijaz , Muhammad Naeem , Muhammad Ali , Hira Muqaddas , Adil Khan , Furhan Iqbal

Order Rodentia is the most speciose among mammals and the members of this order are known to host more than 60 zoonotic diseases and rodents are a potential health threat for humans. This study was designed to report the molecular prevalence and phylogenetic evaluation of various blood borne bacterial pathogens (Anaplasma ovis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Anaplasma marginale and Bartonella spp.) in the blood samples of four wild rodent species [Meriones rex (N = 27), Acomys dimidiatus (N = 18), Myomys yemeni (N = 6) and Rattus rattus (N = 3)] that were trapped during August till October 2020 from Al Makhwah governorate in Saudi Arabia. Results revealed by 9/54 (16.6%) rodents amplified Msp4 gene and 2/54 (3.7%) rodents amplified rpoB gene of Anaplasma ovis and Bartonella spp. respectively. Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Anaplasma marginale was not detected in any rodent species. Meriones rex was the most highly infected rodent species. DNA sequencing and BLAST analysis confirmed the presence of Anaplasma ovis and the Bartonella koehlerae in rodent blood samples. Phylogenetic analysis of both pathogens showed that Saudi isolates were clustered together and were closely related to isolates that were reported from worldwide countries.

Risk factor analysis revealed that prevalence of both bacterial pathogens was not restricted to a particular rodent species or a rodent sex (P > 0.05). In conclusion, we are reporting for the very first time that Saudi rodents are infected with Anaplasma ovis and rodents can be infected with Bartonella koehlerae. Similar studies at large scale are recommended in all those areas of Saudi Arabia that are unexplored for the incidence and prevalence of bacterial pathogens among the rodents that are living near human dwellings in order to prevent bacterial infections in local people as well as in livestock.



啮齿目动物是哺乳动物中种类最丰富的,已知该目成员携带 60 多种人畜共患疾病,啮齿动物对人类健康构成潜在威胁。研究旨在报告四种野生啮齿动物[霸王(N = 27 ,2020 年 8 月至 2020 年 10 月期间从沙特阿拉伯 Al Makhwah 省捕获的Acomys dimidiatus (N = 18)、Myomys yemeni (N = 6) 和Rattusrattus (N = 3)。结果显示,9/54(16.6%)啮齿动物扩增了绵羊无形体和巴尔通体的Msp4基因,2/54(3.7%)啮齿动物扩增了rpoB基因分别。在任何啮齿类动物中均未检测到嗜吞噬细胞无形体边缘无形体。霸王鲨是感染最严重的啮齿类动物。DNA 测序和 BLAST 分析证实啮齿动物血液样本中存在绵羊无形体克氏巴尔通体。两种病原体的系统发育分析表明,沙特分离株聚集在一起,并且与世界各国报告的分离株密切相关。

危险因素分析显示,两种细菌病原体的流行不限于特定的啮齿动物种类或啮齿动物性别(P > 0.05)。总之,我们首次报告沙特啮齿动物感染绵羊无形体,并且啮齿动物可能感染科勒巴尔通体。建议在沙特阿拉伯所有尚未探索居住在人类住所附近的啮齿动物中细菌病原体的发病率和流行率的地区进行大规模类似的研究,以防止当地人和牲畜的细菌感染
