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Assessing Holland’s wind pressure profile parameters used for tropical cyclone wind field modelling
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jweia.2024.105650
C. Sheng , H.P. Hong

The tropical cyclone (TC) wind field could be evaluated using Holland’s wind pressure profile defined by the radius to maximum wind speed Rmax and Holland B parameter. Empirical models for Rmax and B were developed using TC best track databases for two different basins and the “observed” surface wind field database (i.e., H*Wind dataset). Although the models developed for the North Atlantic basin (NAB) were applied to the western North Pacific basin (WNPB), its use was questioned. In the present study, we developed models for Rmax and B by applying the same analysis procedure using the TC best track databases for NAB and WNPB. We also developed models by using the H*Wind dataset with the boundary layer slab model and the gradient wind field based model. Our results indicated that the developed models for NAB are consistent with those for WNPB. These models are similar to those developed for the slab model using the H*Wind dataset, indicating that they can be used to assess the TC wind hazard for TCs from the NAB or the WNPB. Use of the developed models to assess TC wind hazard for a few sites located in the coastal region of mainland China is presented.
