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Compliance with the 24-h movement behaviors guidelines among urban and rural Brazilian preschoolers
American Journal of Human Biology ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-29 , DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.24045
Clarice Martins 1, 2 , Jéssica Mota 3 , Natália Goulart 4 , Morgana Silva 4 , Tamires Silva 4 , Ferdinando Carvalho 4 , Jorge Mota 1 , Paulo Felipe Bandeira 4, 5 , Luís Lemos 6

The importance of movement behaviors for health is well-known, although few studies have examined the compliance with movement guidelines in preschoolers from different living contexts. This study reported the compliance with the 24-h movement behaviors guidelines among low-income Brazilian preschoolers from rural and urban areas, according to age.


巴西城乡学龄前儿童遵守 24 小时运动行为准则的情况

运动行为对健康的重要性是众所周知的,尽管很少有研究考察来自不同生活环境的学龄前儿童对运动指南的遵守情况。这项研究报告了来自农村和城市地区的低收入巴西学龄前儿童(按年龄)对 24 小时运动行为准则的遵守情况。