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Clique detection with a given reliability
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s10472-024-09928-8
Dmitry Semenov , Alexander Koldanov , Petr Koldanov , Panos Pardalos

In this paper we propose a new notion of a clique reliability. The clique reliability is understood as the ratio of the number of statistically significant links in a clique to the number of edges of the clique. This notion relies on a recently proposed original technique for separating inferences about pairwise connections between vertices of a network into significant and admissible ones. In this paper, we propose an extension of this technique to the problem of clique detection. We propose a method of step-by-step construction of a clique with a given reliability. The results of constructing cliques with a given reliability using data on the returns of stocks included in the Dow Jones index are presented.



