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Real-Time Frequency-Tracking Method Based on Interpolated Kalman Filter Using Vibration and Surface Noise
Mathematical Problems in Engineering ( IF 1.430 ) Pub Date : 2024-1-30 , DOI: 10.1155/2024/4418858
Chengcheng Li 1, 2 , Yuan Wan 1 , Pingheng Pan 1 , Bian Hu 1 , Junhao Zhang 3

The variation of frequency is a significant indicator of the operation status of rotating machinery. Generally, the frequency is extracted and tracked in real-time based on the vibration signal produced by the rotating machinery. However, various interferences generated from contact sampling and transmitting result in difficulty in obtaining the frequency correctly in real-time from the vibration. To solve this problem, this paper presents an interpolated Kalman filter (IKF) based on the vibration and surface noise signals for real-time frequency tracking. First, the cross-correlation operation is performed on the vibration and surface noise signals sampled synchronously to enhance the energy concentration. After that, a frequency search procedure is carried out to calculate the input of the tracking task. Finally, an IKF-based frequency lock procedure is applied to eliminate the interferences and track the frequency in real time. Besides, a correction procedure is added to prevent the measurement process from tracking the frequency incorrectly. The performance of the proposed method is verified by the experiments based on an ARM-based test bench using standard signals and actual test signals.


