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Dynamic Model of the Separation of Large-Sized Elastic Structures
Doklady Physics ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-29 , DOI: 10.1134/s1028335823050026
V. N. Bakulin , S. V. Borzykh


An approach to the development of a dynamic model of one of the key stages of the flight of rocket and space systems is presented: the separation of large-sized structures. The importance of taking into account the elastic properties of separated objects is justified. Based on the assumptions typical of the process under study (small angular velocities of relative motion during separation compared to the lower frequencies of the separated objects), the partial differential equations of elastic vibrations are replaced with a system of ordinary differential equations describing the excitation of a limited number of lower order modes, which made it possible to formulate an efficient approach that allows a clear mechanical interpretation: the general motion during separation is decomposed into a transport motion (rotational and translational as a whole) and small elastic relative vibrations, described in a universal modal formulation. The process of separation of an aerospace aircraft and a launch vehicle is analyzed. The effect of loss of the relative separation velocity due to elastic vibrations is revealed, and a recommendation for the rational arrangement of separation tools is formulated.




