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Single-Cell Transcription Mapping of Murine and Human Mammary Organoids Responses to Female Hormones
Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10911-023-09553-x
Jenelys Ruiz Ortiz , Steven M. Lewis , Michael Ciccone , Deeptiman Chatterjee , Samantha Henry , Adam Siepel , Camila O. dos Santos

During female adolescence and pregnancy, rising levels of hormones result in a cyclic source of signals that control the development of mammary tissue. While such alterations are well understood from a whole-gland perspective, the alterations that such hormones bring to organoid cultures derived from mammary glands have yet to be fully mapped. This is of special importance given that organoids are considered suitable systems to understand cross species breast development. Here we utilized single-cell transcriptional profiling to delineate responses of murine and human normal breast organoid systems to female hormones across evolutionary distinct species. Collectively, our study represents a molecular atlas of epithelial dynamics in response to estrogen and pregnancy hormones.



