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A service function chain mapping scheme based on functional aggregation in space-air-ground integrated networks
Journal of Network and Computer Applications ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2024.103829
Peiying Zhang , Kunkun Yan , Neeraj Kumar , Lizhuang Tan , Mohsen Guizani , Kostromitin Konstantin Igorevich , Jian Wang , Jianyong Zhang

Being a novel network architecture, the Space-air-ground integrated network (SAGIN) offers advantages such as extensive network coverage and seamless ubiquitous access. However, it also encounters the challenge of balancing a growing user demand with limited network service resources. In order to further improve the utilization rate of network resources, a group of virtual network functions can be connected according to certain business logic to form a dynamic reconfigurable service function chain. This can provide diversified and high-quality network services for users. So by aggregating the same type of network function, we can reduce the cost of service chain mapping. Based on the above ideas, this paper proposes an Aggregation of Service Function Chain mapping algorithm (A-SFC). The aggregated service function chain topology is mapped according to an improved isomorphic graph search mapping algorithm, resulting in a deployment solution that minimizes the mapping cost by aggregating static SFC requests by end-system division. Experimental results show that the algorithm is able to find an effective mapping scheme under resource constraints. In addition to reducing computation, the algorithm effectively minimizes the consumption of computational resources while delivering excellent performance in terms of service delay and mapping cost.


