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Analytical solution for the free transverse vibration of an elastically connected annular plate system with discontinuities
Mechanics Research Communications ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2024.104254
Junling Fan , Yupeng Wang , Yongbin Ma

Due to the performance requirements, structural discontinuities are inevitable in engineering structures. Free vibration of an elastically connected annular plate system with discontinuities has not yet been reported in the literature. In this study, an analytical method is developed for the free vibration of an annular plate system with discontinuities along its radius. The annular plates are connected continuously using an elastic layer. The coupled vibration equations of the annular plate system were decoupled into a series of uncoupled general “vibration” equations which are then transferred into a symplectic dual system. The general “vibration” state can then be analytically described in terms of waves utilizing the elastic wave theory. Using the analytical wave modes and satisfying the compatibility and boundary conditions at the discontinuities, a frequency equation can be obtained analytically. In numerical examples, the free vibrations of systems consist of two and three annular plates were investigated. The accuracy of the proposed method is verified by comparison with literature and finite element method (FEM).


