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Classifying Human Manual Control Behavior Using LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-29 , DOI: 10.1109/thms.2023.3327145
Rogier Versteeg 1 , Daan M. Pool 1 , Max Mulder 1

This article discusses a long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network that uses raw time-domain data obtained in compensatory tracking tasks as input features for classifying (the adaptation of) human manual control with single- and double-integrator controlled element dynamics. Data from two different experiments were used to train and validate the LSTM classifier, including investigating effects of several key data preprocessing settings. The model correctly classifies human control behavior (cross-experiment validation accuracy 96%) using short 1.6-s data windows. To achieve this accuracy, it is found crucial to scale/standardize the input feature data and use a combination of input signals that includes the tracking error and human control output. A possible online application of the classifier was tested on data from a third experiment with time-varying and slightly different controlled element dynamics. The results show that the LSTM classification is still successful, which makes it a promising online technique to rapidly detect adaptations in human control behavior.