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FLAVOUR Study: FLow profiles And postoperative VasOplegia after continUous-flow left ventriculaR assist device implantation
Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s12265-023-10476-5
Bas J. Kersten , Lieke Numan , Marnix M. van der Schoot , Michel de Jong , Faiz Ramjankhan , Emmeke Aarts , Marish I. F. J. Oerlemans , Linda W. van Laake , Eric E. C. de Waal


This study aims to associate the incidence of postoperative vasoplegia and short-term survival to the implantation of various left ventricular assist devices differing in hemocompatibility and flow profiles. The overall incidence of vasoplegia was 25.3% (73/289 patients) and 30.3% (37/122), 25.0% (18/72), and 18.9% (18/95) in the axial flow (AXF), centrifugal flow (CF), and centrifugal flow with artificial pulse (CFAP) group, respectively. Vasoplegia was associated with longer intensive care (ICU) and hospital length of stay (LOS) and mortality. ICU and in-hospital LOS and 1-year mortality were the lowest in the CFAP group. Post hoc analysis resulted in a p-value of 0.43 between AXF and CF; 0.35 between CF and CFAP; and 0.06 between AXF and CFAP. Although there is a trend in diminished incidence of vasoplegia, pooled logistic regression using flow profile and variables that remained after feature selection showed that flow profile was not an independent predictor for postoperative vasoplegia.

Graphical Abstract
