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Switching Loss Reduction for an MMC-Fed AC/DC Converter
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics Pub Date : 2023-12-14 , DOI: 10.1109/ojpel.2023.3343330
Kaveh Pouresmaeil 1 , Maurice G.L. Roes 1 , Nico H. Baars 1 , Cornelis G.E. Wijnands 1

Medium-voltage connected ultra-fast chargers are getting more popular for charging electric vehicles with large battery capacities. Here, the solution based on a modular multilevel converter is more promising, since the isolation stage can be realized as a single medium-frequency transformer interconnecting the modular multilevel converter to a single-phase ac/dc converter. A new operating scheme is proposed for this converter, enabling zero-voltage switching and nearly zero-current switching across the entire load range. In contrast to the conventional phase-shift control method, the proposed scheme effectively reduces the reactive power through the ac/dc converter, leading to decreased turn-off switching losses in the ac/dc converter and a lower RMS current stress in the power path. A control scheme, integrating the operating principle, is developed for the modular multilevel converter. The method is verified through simulation and measurements on a scaled-down prototype. The results validate the theoretical analysis and practical feasibility of the proposed operating principle and the developed control scheme.


MMC-Fed AC/DC 转换器的开关损耗降低
