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Friction Matters: Balancing the Pursuit of Perfect Protection With Target Hardening
IEEE Security & Privacy ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-22 , DOI: 10.1109/msec.2023.3333972
Elissa M. Redmiles

It is my great pleasure to share a guest “Last Word” column by Dr. Elissa Redmiles, Clare Luce Boothe Assistant Professor at Georgetown University, with IEEE Security & Privacy (S&P) readers. Prof. Redmiles has gained particular attention due to her highly lauded work in security and privacy inequities in marginalized and at-risk communities. This column gives a flavor of the real-world practical insights that have resulted from this work, which I hope will also lead S&P readers to want to delve further into the terrific set of references provided.



我很高兴与 IEEE 安全与隐私 (S&P) 读者分享由乔治城大学 Clare Luce Boothe 助理教授 Elissa Redmiles 博士撰写的客座“最后一句话”专栏。雷德迈尔斯教授因其在边缘化和高风险社区的安全和隐私不平等方面的工作而受到高度赞扬,因而受到特别关注。本专栏介绍了这项工作所产生的现实世界的实际见解,我希望这也能引导标准普尔读者进一步深入研究所提供的精彩参考资料。